Poultry farm is the business of the 21st century that most didn’t know about because of the dirty works involved and so many run away from it.
But if you want to make money from any business that people will not really know you are making money then consider going into poultry farm because if well managed in no distance time you are sure to become a millionaire.
This article is going to be based on production of meat which is brooding of broilers.
Taking care of broilers is not going to be an easy task but I’ll try my best to show us easy ways to follow.
If you’re starting a poultry farm no matter how small it is you will need a pen. The pen is where your birds will be kept and so it must meet the necessary requirment in other for the birds to grow well.
Basic thing that your pen must have before the arrival of your birds include;
1. Constant light or source of heat
2. Constant water supply
3. Temperature regulator
4. Wood shaves
5. The pen house must be covered completely.
Why you need those things.
-The constant light is to make sure they are kept warm at all times because they are small and they easily get cold so they really need it.
-Water is the ultimate thing broilers need especially upon their arrival to the pen. Birds can go a day without their feed but not without water.
-The essence of the temperature regulator is to make sure the temperature in the room is known so that it will be adjusted based on the behaviour of the birds.
When you see birds clustering together that’s a sign that they are cold and their source of light need to be increase
But when you see them evenly scattered in the room that means the temperature is ok.
-The wood shaves is meant to prevent them from the cold emanating from the floor. It also keep them warm.
-Some of us might have seen a Poultry house before especially for broilers. Their pen is completely covered either with tent or anything that can cover it completely.
If all those things are met have it in mind that the number one secret for a successful poultry business is hygiene. When you are not taking good care of their pen as necessary then be ready to welcome mortality.
Upon arrival of your birds to the pen the first thing that you should give to them is water that had vitamin.
The purpose for the addition of the vitamins is to reliev them of their stress because of their long journey maybe if they are from far place.
The vitamins usually added to their water on day one include; “glucomor”, “neoceryl plus” and “albiovit” etc.
One you serve then the water mixed with the vitamins you should wait for about 20-30 minutes before serving them with their feed.
Have it in mind that the the feed you start your birds with will go a long way in determining how fast they will grow. On this note I strongly recommend “HENDRIX” as it has all the nutritional value for birds.
You should give them this feed for at least one week then begin to adjust it and when you are doing this never forget to do your constant vaccination of the birds which you must do every week to prevent them from certain disease.
After one or two week of giving them the starter feed you have to start giving them grower and at this point you also start adding grow fast to their drinks as well.
Do this for two weeks and watch your birds grow fast like magic.
After two weeks of giving them the grower feed you should start given them finisher feed. Mostly at this time your birds are almost ready for sale. As they should be weighing at least 1.5kg already.
Like I said before hygiene is the number secret in a successful pultry business. So the following are the ways you can care for your birds.
1. Feed: their feed must be on time that’s to say you should try to feed your birds when the time is due and it’s advisable you feed them three times a day and keep to the time you usually feed them because when the time is due they will start expecting you.
2. Water: I have told you already that birds need water more than they need their feed as they can die of water more than they can die of feed so you must fill their drinkers at all time.
Like my supervisor will say during my industrial training , he said “if the birds come and see that either their feeders or drinkers are empty their mind will jump”.
So make sure their drinkers are always filled. Especially for broilers because they drink water more.
3. Wash their drinkers daily: yes this must be hard but try as much as you can to wash their drinkers daily as this will prevent them from many disease and help them grow well. Remember ‘HYGIENE’ is the key.
4. Their pen must never be wet: This point is stressed because when the pen is wet it will affect the birds a lot as this will cause them disease like “COCCIDIOSIS” which is able to whip entire bird with the twinkle of an eye. To avoid “COCCIDIOSIS” then make sure your pen is never wet.